Concours de lecture à haute voix. À partir des extraits de romans francophones l’élève réalisera un clip de 30 secondes où il lira à haute voix le texte choisi.
Choose one extract from this selection of passages taken from different francophone novels.
Note that the passages are categorised into Extraits Senior (5th year/6th year/Transition year), Extraits Junior (2nd /3rd year) and Extraits Débutants (1st year).
Select one, or several, passages to work with in your class. The emphasis is on pronunciation, intonation, and rhythm. A range of YouTube videos/channels may help you work with your students on pronunciation, intonation and rhythm, for example this, this, this, this and this.
Each participating student will record and upload to YouTube a short video of himself/herself reading his/her chosen passage. The ‘visual’ aspect of the video can be an image of the passage, the book, the student, a photo, a drawing etc. The judging criteria will be based only on the reading of the passage.
This competition is open to Junior and Senior students in the Republic of Ireland who are studying French as a foreign language. In the interests of fairness, only non-native speakers of French are eligible. The recording submitted must be the unaided, individual work of the student and must not have been submitted for any other competition. One entry per student.
The video, once recorded must be uploaded to YouTube as an 'unlisted' video. This means that it will not be 'searchable' on YouTube via search engines. The link to the video must be included in the online entry form.
Imagery of the student's choosing can be shown, as desired, in the video. This imagery may be as simple as the extract itself.
Remember to choose from the correct category.
The winning entry will feature a personal, meaningful, and accurately read passage of one of the francophone passages featured. The clip will encourage students to discover, to interact and to appreciate the diversity and the richness of the langue de Molière and of the francophone literary world.
Entries must be submitted via this online form only. The judging panel can only consider entries submitted in an accessible and audible format. Entries containing broken links and/or inaudible content will not be considered. Please replay the video, ensuring that it is of acceptable quality before submission. Entries must be submitted with the student’s school email address, NOT his/her personal private email address.
Submission of a video entry in on the understanding that it may be featured at a later date on with the name of the winning school and the first name of the winning student. No surnames, photos or visual details of students will be included.
Submit Your Entry (via this Google form)
Deadline for receipt of entries EXTENDED to 17:00 Friday, February 14th, 2025. Entries submitted after this date will not be considered.
The judging panel will comprise French language specialists and teachers. As many of the teachers whose students submit entries are members of the FTA, no member of the FTA will be on this independent judging panel. The decisions of the panel will be final.
A certificat de participation will be sent to each participating school. This can be included in the language portfolio of each entrant.