- The Association shall be called “The French Teachers’ Association (FTA) of Ireland”.
- to be the official voice of second-level teachers of French in Ireland and to be their official representative with the Department of Education and Skills, the French Embassy, the FIPF (Fédération internationale des Professeurs de français), the CEO (Commission de l’Europe de l’Ouest) and other official bodies
- to promote and develop the teaching of French at primary and post-primary levels in Ireland.
- to provide a forum to identify, discuss and share information on matters of common interest.
- The FTA National Executive, as a representative forum of all the regional branches of the FTA, shall be responsible for the upholding of the association’s constitution and for all amendments and additions to same.
- All matters for discussion and debate should be notified to the national secretary for inclusion in the agenda of the next National Executive meeting.
- If urgent
- an unscheduled meeting may be called or
- the chairperson may decide on the issue pending the approval of the National Executive at its next meeting.
All teachers of French at primary and second levels shall be eligible for membership. Annual membership details are available here.
- The co-ordinating body for all local Branches shall be known as ‘the French Teachers’ Association of Ireland National Executive’, also known as the ‘FTA National Executive’. Each regional branch will be known as ‘FTA-[County/Region Name]’ and will use the logo of the national FTA in its communications.
- The National Executive shall consist of a maximum of two members from each Branch affiliated to the Association. These members shall be appointed annually by their Branches not later than October 31st. In the case of vacancies arising on the Committee of the National Executive, or for some other specific purpose and term, the Executive may co-opt further members nominated by a local Branch or by the National Executive.
- The National Executive shall nominate and appoint, from among its own delegate members and for a term of three years, a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and Communications Officer. The offices of Secretary and Treasurer may be combined. No office may be held by the same person for more than two consecutive terms. The holding of an office by the same person for more than two consecutive terms will be at the discretion of the FTA National Executive delegates. To hold office, at regional or national level, one must be a fully paid-up member of the FTA.
- Duties of the Chair: The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the National Executive, and shall have the right to publicly represent the Association.
- Duties of the Secretary: The Secretary shall work closely with the Chairperson in all organisational concerns of the Association, correspondence, minutes, organising venues etc.
- Duties of the Treasurer: The Treasurer shall work closely with the Chair
- to administer the financial concern of the association
- to provide a full and accurate account of financial transactions on an annual basis.
- The National Executive shall meet at least once each school term. The National Executive shall:
- be the official representative of second-level teachers of French in Ireland and be their official representative with the Department of Education and Skills, the French Embassy, the FIPF, the CEO and other official bodies
- to organise and facilitate the continuous professional development (CPD) of teachers of French at national and regional levels
- coordinate funding at national and regional level
- be responsible for the national initiatives of the FTA
- liaise in relation to the local activities organised by regional branches
- disseminate views, information and policies relating to the teaching of French in Ireland
- execute such Branch resolutions as meet its approval
- A quorum shall consist of representatives from half of the currently affiliated Branches.
- The National Executive shall be the official voice of the Association at national and international level.
- The National Executive will maintain and update this internet website and disseminate information via social media.
- An amendment to this Constitution must arise from:
- a Branch resolution, or
- a National Executive resolution
- Notification of proposed amendments shall be notified to the secretary at least a fortnight in advance the next meeting of the National Executive. A current version of our constitution will be available on this website.
- The FTA reserves the right to no longer consider as a member:
- any member who directly contravenes the constitution of the association.
- any member who pursues regional or national policies or initiatives without the consent of the National Executive.
- any member who does not follow the agreed procedure for discussions and decisions on FTA matters.
- any member who disrespects or contravenes the confidentiality of the FTA National Executive.
- any former member whose membership has lapsed for a period of 12 months or more.
Last reviewed: October 25th, 2021