Queries from individuals and schools searching for partnerships and exchanges
Please note: in passing the following details on, the FTA doesn’t endorse any particular school, rather it publicises these requests in good faith.
From: Florence Ferriol
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am an English teacher from France in Andrzieux Bouthon (Lycee Francois Mauriac) and I am currently looking for partner schools in an English speaking country to set up a student exchange. Our students are 15 to 17 years old. Our goal is to make students improve their modern language (English and French) skills, in reading, speaking, listening, and writing, as well as to make them discover both cultures, Irish and French.
Would you be possible for you to tell me how I can develop this project and to get in contact with some schools that could be interested?
I would be glad to hear from you soon, do not hesitate to ask for further information,
Yours faithfully,
Mrs Florence Ferriol
From: Matthieu Pucelle
J’enseigne l’anglais dans une école primaire située sur la route des châteaux de la Loire, en bordure du fleuve. Mes élevés ont de 3-11 ans.
Je suis a la recherche d’une école (ni collège, ni lycée) irlandaise ou l’on enseigne le français afin de pouvoir correspondre via internet (vidéo, skype etc…) et si possible, réaliser un échange.
Nous souhaiterions accueillir de petits irlandais avec leur professeur ici, en France puis, nous aimerions nous rendre en Irlande.
Pouvez vous me mettre en rapport avec des écoles qui seraient susceptibles d’être intéressées par un tel projet? Ã défaut, pouvez vous m’aider et orienter mes recherches?
à votre écoute pour toute information complémentaire ou toute demande de renseignement.
Amicales salutations.
Dear Sir, Dear Madam,
I am the exchange coordinator in Fenelon High School, a large private school located in the 8th district of Paris (city centre): http://www.fenelonsaintemarie.org/
We already have multiple exchanges with various countries such as the UK, the US, Canada, India, Argentina etc (23 exchanges on the whole)… but none with Ireland! That’s why we are very keen on broadening our horizons and would be very interested in organizing a cultural/linguistic exchange (including exchange of e-mails and trips in both countries) with this country for the next school year for a group of 20 students aged 15/16 years old who have been learning English for 5 years and are eager to progress and to discover another culture.
I have already sent some emails to several schools in Dublin and Cork but have received no answers so far.
Would you by any chance know of a school which would be interested by this kind of project? Or maybe do you have contacts that could give me some advice in order to find a partner school?
Best regards,
Adeline Boulant
Responsable des activités parascolaires
Collège-Lycée Fénelon
Sainte Marie 47
rue de Naples 75008
PARIS Tel: 01 45 22 61 59